Monday, July 23, 2007

Living in a "Harry"-less World

Dear Family and Friends,

Elder Sorensen's letters home have made me realize just how boring my own are. But I don't like to write too much about the people we are teaching because 1) I think it is kind of boring to read about people you don't know (for those of you who do not know the people involved) and 2) I don't know how they might feel if they were to discover themselves on the internet. But if you--as in you, my general readers--want to know let me know. We are teaching some people right now who probably really wouldn't care. So what did we do this week? We taught a lot of lessons--there are several people we are teaching in the Sutter Buttes ward who are progressing quite well--and went on a lot of exchanges (again mostly with the Sutter Buttes ward). We feel bad because it seems that a lot of our time and energy end up focused on that one ward, but that is where we can find the people who really are interested and willing to make commitments. Most of our finding is actually in the other ward, but we usually end up dropping a lot of those people because we either can't stay in touch or they really just aren't that interested. So we are still trying to figure out how to get the Buttes Vista ward excited about working with us and doing member missionary work.

The other big highlight of our week was Sister's Conference. All 13 of the Sister missionaries in the California Roseville Mission convened at the Stake Building here in Yuba and we taught little talk/lesson/workshops on different subjects. Okay so the 4 greenies didn't teach but everyone else did. The third day that I was "in the mission" (i.e. in California) we had a Sister's Conference, but at the time I was still really tired from the traveling schedule just a bit dazed. But this Sister's Conference was absolutely excellent. I was able to learn a lot, particularly on "Mighty Prayer" which is what I had been assigned to teach about. Most of my thoughts stemmed from an article in the December 2006 Ensign--it was called "Mighty Prayer"--and it was really exactly what I needed to be learning and focusing on as a missionary that week. The topics came from each companionship of Sisters; they suggested things which they wanted to learn about either because they have been struggling with them or would simply like to be able to do better them better. It was not only great to be able to see all the Sisters and catch up on the news and people from your old areas and companionships, but it was a powerful meeting. I think it was a needed pick-me-up and a great introduction for the new sisters. That and I also learned a little Hula from Sister Ah Puck who was in charge of introducing the Sisters and talked about magnifying our talents. But alas, I forgot my camera cords, Mom, but I WILL actually send you some pictures next week. I promise.

This week will be great though because we have some good appointments set up already not to mention Zone Conference. We also are singing in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday with the 15 year-old we are teaching and his best friend who will finally be able to get her less active mother to come to church. It also is a great excuse to tell the people we are teaching that they HAVE to come and support us. We aren't doing anything too fancy, just "Hark All Ye Nations" because our 5th Sunday topic is on Missionary work.

So I am not only jealous of all you who get to read Harry Potter, but I am debating whether I just want to get someone to explain the whole thing to me so I get a good explanation or risk it and see if I can actually go a whole year without someone ruining the ending for me. I guess time will tell. The hardest thing is seeing the book just sitting on counters at so many members' homes. I've had to keep Sister Nielson from reading the last page several times!

I hope you all have a great week. And by the way, Eric, if you sent that Spanish OYM to Palo Cedro with the French Book of Mormon, then I never got it and Erynn Scott was probably pretty confused about that. Could you send me another one to my mission address? Thank you.

Sister L. Sorensen

PS Mission Address:
Sister Lindsay Sorensen
California Roseville Mission
8331 Sierra College Blvd Ste 208
Roseville, CA 95661

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