I didn't have a very good answer for this when my two-and-a-half year old nephew asked me. The giraffe I knew and could answer even if he didn't really understand it (giraffes make no noise because their necks are too long for their voicebox/vocal chords; instead they emit low frequency air puffs which they use to communicate with one another though I didn't share that last part with him). But I was stumped by the rhino, so like any responsible and educated adult I made something up. The third time or so through the animals, however, Peter had has own answer ready.
Peter as the elephant: trumpeting noise
Peter as the zebra: horse noise
Peter as the rhino (in a low, gravelly voice): "Juma, get out of the way."
Why didn't I think of that?
In case you're wondering, Peter's middle name is Juma. It's the name he often goes by at home and how he refers to himself.
just wanted to say.. i miss you. i am glad you had fun on your traveling, and am still sad I didn't get to see you in chicago. darn.
hahahahaha. i LOVE little kids. especially little kid and their infallible logic. like what a rhino really says.
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