Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship

Dear Amazon,

If I hadn't been a fan of yours already, your uncanny ability to place Mockingjay in my hands as I walked out the door this morning would have won you my unswerving devotion. As it is, I look forward to a long and happy life together.


* * *

Dear Gym,

You won't be upset if I end up on the elliptical reading Mockingjay for several hours this afternoon, will you?

Yours Truly.


Brittmae said...

Ok...so where is my copy!! I got an email this morning saying it shipped...what does that mean...its supposed to be here! argh!! Not fair. I have no patience for books. None, whatsoever.

Lindsay Anne said...

See, Amazon isn't thinking ahead. They practiced my underachieve to overachieve technique with me to spectacular results. When I checked on shipping last week they reported I wouldn't get it until Thursday of this week, so imagine how pleased I was to receive it first thing this morning! It's all about reverse psychology and lowering people's expectations from the start.

Also it probably helps that I pre-ordered my copy at the start of January and don't live in Provo anymore.