Thursday, October 9, 2008

Since When

I really should stop being surprised, but since I haven't I'll share. Kind of me, I know. The past three weeks my boss has thought to soften the blow of making us come in for 8:00 training meetings by promising us breakfast. Typically I would expect bagels and yogurt, maybe even muffins. But apparently not so. The first week we had homemade apple and cherry pie. That's odd I thought. The second week we store-bought apple and cherry pie. I was beginning to since a pattern. This past week we had peach and cherry pie. Who eats pie for breakfast? It's one thing if its left over pie, but who gets up and bakes pie for breakfast? Maybe I can begin using subliminal messages to get her to get quiche.

Here's another thing, since when did everyone forget elevator etiquette? I happen to be riding a lot of elevators this semester since it's generally more friendly on my left leg/ankle (plus its faster), and so I have noticed some rather appalling behavior. I was always taught that you should stand to the side of the elevator when waiting for it to come to your floor so that those who are getting off will have plenty of room. It also goes to follow that you should let those who are getting off actually get off before you push your way on. This is apparently not true anymore; people seem to contend with one another to see who can stand right in front of the doors and how quickly they can force themselves into the elevator when it arrives. Is there some sort of contest on campus nobody has told me about? I have noticed elevator rudeness most especially in the JFSB (is it a problem with humanities students?) where I have also noticed that there are a LOT of people on crutches or in wheelchairs who are using the elevators. If you're one of the pushy people, I halfway hope one of the automatic wheelchairs catches your toes one of these days.

Hmmm, when did I get so curmudgeonly?


Cari said...

Linds, you're not alone. When being working as a custodian through my BYU time I always had to take elevators with very large equipment in tow. People didn't seem to think that they should maybe get out of the way...I don't know what it is. Maybe you should write to the paper's editor about it, isn't that what people do there? :)

Amy-Alisa said...

I have low tolerance for rude people. Recently, I was on an elevator and someone got on behind me, I was about to ask what floor since I was right in front of the buttons when he blurted our "3". No thank you. Rude. I have also become much less tolerant of rude behavior and have almost made comments to people before, but suppressed the urge.

Erin said...

Welcome to the plight of the New York City subway user. I will never understand people who don't wait for those on the train to get off...