Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An incident from my day, in poorly written verse

Dear Admirer,

I did not think to see you again,
After our meeting outside the T.
But today we passed each other,
Going our separate ways,
Two strangers on Washington Street.

You paused to tell me
"You are so beautiful today."
Eyes averted,
I said "Thank you,"
And kept walking.

I am 90% certain
You are homeless.


Alexandra said...

Best thing I've ever read. Snaps.

Laura said...

You are an incredible poet. Some random man yelled "I love your hair" at me while I was running today and my response was to turn up my music and try and forget about it until I just read your lovely poem. If only I had thought to write a poem about it...although it would have been something like:

Man on the street yells
"Your hair is very lov'ly"
I turn up my tunes.

Not very inspiring. I snap my fingers with Alexandra in honor of your verse.

Anonymous said...

I hope your roomie knows and that she feels she has succeeded in her mission.

A Jew and an Ex-Mo Go To South America said...

My super is in love with me. He always says things like "Hello, gorgeous. You are looking very beautiful tonight." Then he asked me out for coffee. And yesterday he kissed my hand. AWKWARD. At least this homeless man doesn't live in your building and you never need to ask him to climb the fire escape into your window because you accidentally locked yourself out of your apartment.

Andrea said...

Now THIS will help you write the romance scene in your book! Next time you should stop and ask him to a dance...

Amy-Alisa said...


lulu123 said...

oh my gosh i laughed SO HARD reading that right now!

Melanie Burk said...

i love it almost as much as I Love you. hahahha.