Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,

Well, we have had a desperately less effective week. Though, actually, we had several really good lessons with less actives and one of them completely shocked us by coming to church! Sister Rollins has done a lot better on the antibiotics, though late last night I had a really good glimpse of exactly how giddy they could make her (their side effects were extreme nausea and giddiness, so at least you're happily uncomfortable)! But she kind of had a back-slide Thursday and we were in a bit more than we would have liked for the weekend. I did spend last Wednesday in Auburn though. I had forgotten that we were supposed to go on exchanges with the Auburn sisters this week. I had a really great time with Sister Fultz, the sister from Pennsylvania. We did some great tracting and three people stopped to talk to us about President Hinckley's passing.

Saturday was pretty busy, we had to drive down to Rocklin to the Stake Center to watch the broadcast of the funeral, then back up to Lincoln where we live to meet our ride to Orangevale (one of the people Sister Rollins taught was getting baptized and so we went to the baptism), then we were dropped back off at home for an hour before driving back down to Rocklin to the Park building (where we have church) to go to the "final" ward activity as a giant ward. It was good, but it was a little too taxing for Sister Rollins. Sunday was busy too, we had church--our early morning meeting was cancelled, but nobody told us that, then a dinner appoitnment, a lesson, and the ward boundary change meeting. Well the lesson ended up being cancelled, so we had to spend an extra hour and a half in Rocklin (trying to conserve miles). The boundary changes were pretty unexpected. We actually still do live in the 2nd ward, I thought there was no way of that happening. But we lost all of Sun City--so almost all our wonderful old people--and half of Lincoln Crossing. So we actually can't travel from one end of our ward to another without leaving and then re-entering ward boundaries. What I also realized late last night is that by about the beginning of March, maybe even sooner, I'll have tracted EVERY STREET in the Lincoln 2nd ward as it now is. I'm going to have to get creative or start over again.

That said I'll fill you all in on the exciting world of transfers. As predicted I am staying in the Lincoln 2nd ward (though actually they only decided which ward I would be covering about 10 minutes ago), but Sister Rollins will not. I feel bad because half of her time here she has been sick; that can't be remembered as a very fun area. I am going to be training again, so I don't know who my companion is until tomorrow. I hope you all can stand the anticipation. But I do get to hope back up to Yuba City for an hour or so, so I might look up some investigators/members.

I hope you all have a great week. You all have a wonderful reason to have gospel conversations with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers this week with a new prophet and a new First Presidency so I hope you take that chance. Incidentally, I was happy to hear Elder Uchtdorf (I'm not entirely sure I spelled that correctly) had been called into the First Presidency.

Sister L. Sorensen

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