Monday, April 19, 2010

How You Doin?

Am I generationally marked that anytime someone asks me that question, without the g, I think of Joey Tribbiani? Anyway I'm not really writing about sitcoms today. Tomorrow maybe, but today, no.

When I find myself in various social situations--meeting new people, long car drive, and so on--I have certain conversational questions I like to bring up. Things like "if you could vote a state out of the Union, which one would it be? (and why) because they tend to bring up interesting things about people. What was their reasoning for wanting to vote out Minnesota?

One of the questions I sometimes ask is: What is the strangest/most interesting compliment you've ever received? I have my own answers for this question. I've gotten "You have really nice eyebrows" and "You look good in a bonnet" (granted I was wearing a bonnet at the time, not recreationally by the way). Yesterday I got another strange one: "You look like a painting." I wondered at first if it was something about wearing too much make up, but the complimenter went on to say things about looking "airbrushy" and "without a hint of a wrinkle" and said he could show me on a real painting. It was one of those "ummm, thanks?" moments.

So how about you friends, what's the most interesting compliment you've ever received?


joojierose said...

i think when our freshman ward bishop said something along the lines of "we don't have too many people like you, so it's good! we need people like you in the ward," i was kinda like, ok? thanks? cool? how do i respond?

and i think looking like a painting is an AWESOME compliment! because it's true that you have gorgeous skin. and i love alma-tadema.

lulu123 said...

one time in high school, my friend jessie and i were out to dinner and these college aged guys came over and asked us if were 'a couple' because we looked 'really happy and good' together.

i still don't know how i'm supposed to feel about that one. it was just really weird.

Amy-Alisa said...

Once while getting a pedicure, the lady told me that I had really tiny, cute toenails. Of course, then I have also had a pedicurist tell me that I should really think about having my eyebrows waxed, so...

Meg said...

I've been trying to think of one, but I honestly can't remember a weird one. A lady told me my hair looked especially soft and/or shiny once as she passed me in the hall. And a complete stranger in the library once complimented my vest (it is a great vest, even if it isn't made of real gorilla chest). People often compliment my hair, which I find weird because I don't especially like it much of the time. These are all I can think of.

Andrea said...

I've been complimented on my cheekbones and my chin- 2 separate occasions.
Beat that.
Also, you should read David Sedaris' Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim for more ideas on unconventional conversational topics. He likes to ask things like, "What are the local gun laws in your state?" and "Where does Santa live/ what does he look like/ what does he do in your country?" in order to become familiar with the country/town/state is in. Some of the responses he has gotten were very illuminating.