Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

I don't know if you're all aware--that is the two people who still read this thing since my updates have been rather irregular lately--but today at about 10:50 an interesting phenomenon occurred. As I was walking out of the Richards Building (RB) following my workout, which incidentally is not the aforementioned irregularity thank you very much, I was suddenly seized by an extremely powerful desire to dance down the hall.

Now those of you who know me may attest to the unlikelihood of that particular impulse; indeed, many of you may never have seen me dance at all. Contrary to the belief of certain of my high school peers, this is not the result of an Amish/Footloose-like aversion to dance. Rather it is the firm self-awareness in my own lack of grace and inability on the dance floor. I can find the rhythm all right, I just tend to be self-consciously inhibited. Yet there I was, minding my own business and all the time struggling amidst the throngs to keep from bobbing conspicuously. I'm sure that if I had succumbed the sight of a student grooving down the hall wouldn't really have caused too much of a rucous. Probably it would have generated a few smiles here and there (or a shock and bewildered amusement if any of my particular acquaintance had been present). Alas I'm not quite brave enough, however.

So what is the cause of my jitterbug--as even now as I type this anyone who was watching me would have noticed more than a little head bobbing, rhythmic chair swiveling, and shoulder shrugging. The other night I compiled a new playlist--I'm sure I was procrastinating something or other--of all those songs on my iPod that are the one or two in an album that I really like but never seem to listen too. So today after I finished my book on CD while I was cleaning computers I scrolled down to it and I have been dancing internally ever since.

1 comment:

FelonyMelanie said...

i would like to know what is on your playlist. perhaps hey ya? doesnt that remind you of freshman year :) and yes I would love to see you dance in a busy throng. that would be way funny. especially from you!